Peanut chocolate popcorn
A few weeks ago I shared my experience with a little (but amazing) company called NC Made. Founder Nicole Bogas packs beautiful gift boxes filled with products from where she lives, North Carolina. She chooses products for their quality, flavor + design--so her company instantly became a favorite of mine.
I bought the Cross Creek Box which included salty, blister-fried peanuts which star in this recipe. Growing up one of my favorite treats to make was chocolate-covered popcorn. You can burn popcorn, you can burn chocolate--but it's the easiest sweet + salty treat to make. When I saw the salty peanuts in the box, I knew exactly how I would use them.
I wanted to share this one today because even if you're slammed with clients you deserve a sweet + salty treat. It's a good thing this one is ready is a few minutes!

Peanut Chocolate Popcorn
1 package microwave popcorn
4 oz. dark chocolate
2 oz. salted peanuts, chopped
Start by popping your popcorn. Quick tip, set the popcorn to the time on the package, but stop once you stop hearing pops.
Pour the popped popcorn onto a foil-lined baking sheet.
Melt the chocolate in a microwave-safe dish. Pour the melted chocolate over the popcorn a la Jackson Pollock. Toss the peanuts evenly over the chocolatey popcorn.
Toss to combine. Enjoy fresh (it'll be messy) or place in the fridge for half an hour to firm.